Discover Your Design! Type your name and email below to get your free chart PLUS my free 10-page PDF guide to all the Human Design Types. So go ahead and type your name down there and get all the goods. Then come back to learn more!
It kinda looks like a map, doesn’t it? And that’s how I like to think of it: as a map for my soul in this lifetime. All of those shapes, lines, colors, symbols, and numbers provide information about our aura, energy, personality, physiology, decision-making strategy, life purpose and direction, potential vulnerabilities, potential gifts, ideal environment and dietary regimen…I could go on but you get it. This “map” tells us everything about how we were designed and it’s all based on the exact moment in time we came into this world.
Human Design is also called the Science of Differentiation because it shows us - through ancient wisdom (the Chinese I’Ching, the Kabbalist Tree of Life, Astrology, and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras) and modern science (Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, and Biochemistry) - just how unique we all are. No two people are exactly the same. Even people born at the exact same moment may have differences within their chart and/or will experience different conditioning based on their surroundings. So yes, you are a miraculous little snowflake. And you can use the knowledge of Human Design to live in complete alignment with your soul.
Feeling a bit skeptical? The good news is Human Design doesn’t ask you to “believe” in it. Simply use and experiment with the aspects that resonate with you, and leave what doesn’t. Let your quest for deep fulfillment and higher consciousness guide you in this process, and rest assured that you were designed exactly as you are for a reason. The information you obtain from your Human Design is meant only to enlighten and empower you.