now that you have your chart…
how can you actually use it?
To be the best version of yourself: for your business, clients, loved ones, and YOU
Imagine your human design chart is a map of your brain.
The “definition” (i.e. where the shapes, lines, and numbers are colored in or activated) in your chart represent the energy and behavior patterns that you are uniquely coded for, and the ways in which you influence other people/your environment.
The chart, without fail, can explain any human behavior: its function, dysfunction, purpose, and underlying motivation. It’s an incredibly useful tool for understanding yourself and others on a much deeper, essential level. In my first and secondhand experience, this understanding is what allows for greater compassion, healing, and empowerment for yourself and everyone around you.
When I look at your chart, I see your aura, energy, decision-making strategy, life purpose and direction, vulnerabilities, gifts, ideal environment, learning style, voice, dietary regimen, and more. I also see the patterns, loops, and fears that are likely to keep you stuck and out of alignment.
Using Human Design for business is less about using the chart to formulate a fool-proof strategy, and more about using the chart to guide your personal growth and decision-making process, allowing you to powerfully step into bolder authenticity, leadership, and purpose.
The Alignment Audit is a revolutionary self-assessment tool that uses the wisdom of the 5 Human Design Types, 7 Authorities, and the 9 Centers to identify where exactly you’re living, thinking, and behaving in alignment with your unique design, and where you’re living out of conditioned patterns.
Then, it provides relatable insights and actionable recommendations for actually releasing these patterns and realigning with your authentic truth and potential.
This is how we take human design out of your head and into your life.
If you’ve ever confused or lost about how to actually integrate and implement human design into your life for real, embodied transformation, the alignment audit is for you.
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The essential guide to human design
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