The Why and the Who Behind Your Message — Krystal Woods

The Why and the Who Behind Your Message


This blog is coming at you straight from a Manifestor urge (and a live Instagram training that you can find here). I want to talk to you about messaging.

Knowing WHAT the core message (or messages) of your brand/business is obviously essential. But, knowing the WHY and WHOM is what adds depth, authenticity, and resonance. It adds the JUICE.

Dive deep with me into looking at circuitry in Human Design as a way to give context to your entire chart (because I don’t see the point in reading about channels and gates without understanding circuitry).

Keep reading or press play below to learn what circuitry is, what the major circuit groups are, real examples of messaging and circuitry, and examples of what it feels like to craft a message that is misaligned with your chart.

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or watch it on Instagram.


Right now, I’m teaching week 6 of the Embodied by Design® Practitioner Certification where we are learning all about circuitry in Human Design. Personally, I love circuitry and think it’s really cool.

We go through learning about the types, centers, authority, and profile. When we get to circuitry, it’s super fun because they’re going past the point of looking at their charts, googling each thing, and start learning the foundations for how to integrate that knowledge into their life and business.

Circuitry refers to all the channels (or roads) in the bodygraph, and the inherent qualities that they carry. It provides context for the channels and the ways in which we express their energy.

In business, circuitry can help you with many things. First, it can help you align your brand story, values, and messaging. It can be used to create your offers, launch them, market them, and promote them. It can help you find your unique coaching and consulting style. Lastly, it can even help you with scheduling and goal setting.

Each channel is like a stream of energy and these streams have different qualities and purposes according to which circuit they belong to…


There are seven different circuit groups, but starting with the big one’s, there’s Individual, Tribal, and Collective circuitry that run through the bodygraph.

Individual circuitry relates to uniqueness, empowerment, individuality, and knowing.

It’s like the Individual is on their own trip and these channels have the energy to bring something completely new and unique to the world in order to empower the Individual and the world around them.

Tribal circuitry relates to support, structure, survival, family, resources, and control.

These channels are concerned with upholding the health and stability of the Tribe through gathering resources, upholding a structured hierarchy, and keeping outsiders at bay.

Collective circuitry is all about sharing, social obligation, the greater good, patterns, logic, past lessons, and future predictions.

The Collective channels are concerned with learning through logical thinking, memories, skills, and experiences to move humanity forward in a way where everyone plays their part and is supported in doing so. The Collective circuitry is also broken down into Logic and the Abstract.

why circuitry matters

My mentor, Kip Winsett, who I’ve been studying Human Design with for a couple years, has helped me dive much deeper and wider into Human Design. He told me to imagine a chart almost like a 3D model of my brain and all of what’s activated. It’s sort of like those neural pathways that are most consistent and reliable for me and all of the potentials.

So, where you’re defined, that’s your consistent, reliable energy and behaviors. Where you’re undefined, that’s where there’s the most potential and connection.

Kip had me zoom out. He showed me that there is a purpose for every single behavior. Theres a greater purpose for it, otherwise, why would we have that behavior? We have evolved to this point and every behavior is present for a reason. It’s evolution.

When you’re into Human Design, you can start to acknowledge that, ‘I have this energy that I can express through this behavior.’

That’s what we’re looking at when we see what’s defined in our charts. But, when we start to ask WHY, that’s when we can deepen and widen our knowledge.


Okay, so how does this apply to your f*cking messaging?!

When we talk about messaging, understanding the circuitry of a channel is like giving a whole purpose to it. You get to see the WHY behind the WHAT.

I always like to give the example of the 12-22 channel. This is Individual energy and it connects the emotional solar plexus to the throat. Emotions, passions, desires, directly to the throat for communication and action.

Knowing the circuitry and the centers, we know that the 12-22 channel has consistent, reliable energy to express and take actions based on their individual emotions. That’s a very Individual process.

What does that mean? Well, the Individual is a like a mold and brings change. The Individual wants to self-express in the now, and doesn’t really care what the point is.

I have the 12-22 channel and I express things that may matter to you or not, but I’m expressing it anyway because that’s what I’m here to do. When I do that, I have an impact that brings change. 

Let’s look at some examples of this in the context of messaging.

We all know people on social media who just show up and express themselves. One person I’m thinking of is @jera.bean. She’s a social media coach and she just shows the f*ck up. I’m willing to bet she has a good amount of Individual circuitry in her chart because she’s showing up in the moment to express. I also bet you that she’s a Manifesting Generator.

I can also use myself as an example. I have two Individual channels and I have a Tribal channel. I’ve got this vert consistent and reliable energy to express myself. A lot of what I’m expressing is Gate 43-23. My mind connects directly to my throat and my emotional solar plexus.

Since my emotions connect directly to my throat, you already know I’m here to express my unique, out of this world, weird opinions and perspectives. This is my Individual, emotional experience.

When we look at circuitry, we understand the WHY behind it, which is to bring change. The changed behavior as a result of expressing in the NOW. The Individual wants to express in the now, for expression’s sake.

Let’s move to an example of one of my Tribal channels. I have the channel 44-26, which connects my spleen to my heart center. This energy is rooted in the community. I’m feeling a connection with my people and I’m willing to have this intuitive sense for what my people need. I have the energy, the willpower, and the motivation to provide it. This gives the context for the ‘why’ behind this channel, which is rooted in holding up structures and support that community provides.

In the context of messaging, Tribal energy is like: my message is for my community.

My message is to uphold some structure of community. My message is rooted in what my community needs or wants to thrive.

We can also look at Collective circuitry to understand messaging and the ‘why’ behind it. I personally don’t have any collective channels.

Collective circuitry is all about the greater good. It’s about sharing. This energy looks to the past history in order to predict the future. The Collective is experimenting over and over again to learn something new that will carry the Collective forward.

Messaging for someone with Collective energy is where you’ll see a lot of people being outspoken about humanitarian or social justice issues. Or, in general, more collective issues.

This provides you with a different way to look at your messaging so that you can be more authentic to your voice, your mission, and what you’re here to do, because it will be unique to you. That’s when it’s really going to resonate with your people.


Sometimes, our messages don’t have the right flavor.

Here’s an example. I was sharing with my students about how sometimes I’m sort of talking into the ether. I ask for interaction from the people who are watching me live on Instagram, because I want to know who’s there, who’s watching, and who’s exchanging energy with me. That’s the Tribal energy in me. I want to know who my community is and who’s there. I want to feel you.

To me, it feels like a room. If I just showed up on Instagram, and go live, and have no interaction, it doesn’t resonate with me as much. It doesn’t carry the same energy or power with me. If it doesn’t carry that for me, how could it for anyone else?

The energy behind what you’re saying and why you’re saying it really f*cking matters.

It’s time to start looking at your messaging through the lens of your circuitry so that you can consider your mission, and your ‘why’ behind what you’re saying.

Your mission is a package and the vehicle for your mission is your messaging.

Really understanding your mission is the first step, it’s the longer vision for your business. Understanding the vehicle, the messaging, in a way that truly resonates with you will inevitably attract the exact people who are meant to resonate with it, with you, and with your business.

Here’s an example of what happens when you don’t understand the messaging…

I mentioned earlier that I don’t have any Collective energy, 0 Collective channels. For me, I’ve noticed and continue to notice is that I don’t feel electrified by humanitarian or social justice issues. I care about them very deeply sometimes, and at the same time, I don’t feel as connected to them as a lot of over other people do.

There’s one person that I love to follow on Instagram who is a huge expander for me. I have so much respect for her and her work. She has incredible integrity. Whenever there is a Collective issue arising, she is there saying, ‘Listen, if you have a platform, you have a responsibility to speak out about this.’

That doesn’t feel good for me. It makes me feel kind of guilty and then I feel pressure to speak up about that thing. I’ve had to do a lot of work around deconditioning the pressure when I see Collective issues that do strike a chord in me. I have to find a way to help out, in a way that works for ME.

I can’t let it be a cop out, like ‘Oh, I have no Collective energy, so I’m not gonna care about the Collective issues.’ No.

I do care, but in a way that’s unique for me and my circuitry. I care about them on a more personal level or a community level. I can take that issue and find a way to work on it in my own way, instead of using my platform of my business to address it.

In the past, I’ve handed off blogposts on a particular topic to an assistant because I feel like I have to say something about it. So, I asked someone else to write something and put it up. I’m not afraid to admit that. It’s not something I would do right now, but I have done it in the past because I felt so much pressure. 

Now, I find a way to help out in my own way that really resonates deeply with me. 

I’m an Individual, so I’m going to express what I feel like expressing in the moment. The right people will resonate with it, and they do.

So, if I feel like writing a poem, I will. With Tribal energy, I really have my community too, who gets me and have literally signed clients from poems that I have written.

Learning circuitry is really the first step before you learn channels. If you’re trying to learn Human Design, you can jump into the gates and channels, but just know that you’re not going to understand the WHY behind the what until you truly understand circuitry. 

If you have not done work around getting clear on your messaging, please do that.

I don’t want to tell you what all the answers are for you. I want to shine a light on the places for you to look to find them. That’s what I’m doing. You can use Human Design to build you brand in a way that deeply resonates with you and your design, right from the get go, so you don’t have to learn the hard way. You get to eliminate 75% of your options when you deeply understand your own energy, your own design, and how it operates.

You can dive deep into circuitry in week 6 of my Embodied by Design® Practitioner Certification, where you’ll learn all the ways you can come home to yourself, and guide your clients to do the same. 

Thank you so much for being here!

Please grab a screenshot of this blogpost, share it to Instagram and tag me @krystalewoods on your stories. It makes me so happy! Thank you in advance, and I love you.