The Why and the Who Behind Your Message Under the Surface, Human Design, BusinessKrystal WoodsOctober 6, 2022human design specialist, human design, human design circuitry, individual circuitry, human design individual circuitry, human design collective circuitry, collective circuitry, human design tribal circuitry, tribal circuitry, 12-22 channel, 43-23 channel, human design channels, brand messaging, brand message, brand mission, branding 101, building your brand, small business solutions for branding
Human Design: Limiting or Empowering? Human Design, Under the SurfaceKrystal WoodsSeptember 14, 2022how to use human design, human design manifestor, human design type, human design specialist, human design
Staying in Your Sacral Energy with Annette Ackema Under the SurfaceKrystal WoodsMay 10, 2022under the surface, embodiment, feminine embodiment, divine feminine, sacral being, sacral energy, sacral center, human designComment
The Root Cause Of Why We Struggle So Much (Welcome to Under the Surface) Under the SurfaceKrystal WoodsApril 5, 2022under the surface, krystal woods, krystalewoods, self trust, human design, relationships, embodiment, entrepreneur, business, divine feminine, human design specialist, energetics coach, spiritual coach, life coachingComment
How Human Design Guides Me To Alignment In My Business Personal, Human DesignKrystal WoodsJanuary 18, 2022human design type, human design, business, alignment, human design guide, how to use human designComment
Why You Might Be Hiding: By Human Design Profile Lines Human DesignKrystal WoodsDecember 15, 2021human design, profile lines, why you might be hidingComment
Why You Might Be Hiding: By Human Design Undefined Centers Human DesignKrystal WoodsDecember 15, 2021why you might be hiding, shadow self, human design, centers, undefined centers Comment
Pressure From Undefined Centers In Human Design That May Be Impacting You Human DesignKrystal WoodsDecember 14, 2021human design, centers, undefined centersComment
5 Lessons I'm Embodying In This Next Phase Of My Life PersonalKrystal WoodsDecember 14, 2021lifestyle, human designComment
How to Read Your Human Design Chart (Part 2) Human DesignKrystal WoodsSeptember 24, 2021human design, aura, human design authority, human design typeComment