Human Design: Limiting or Empowering?


If you’ve ever felt limited by Human Design, this is for you!

You (my community) told me that…

  • Projectors have low energy and aren’t supposed to work

  • Generators have to work hard and build slowly

  • Waiting as a Generator/Manifesting Generator SUCKS

  • And Manifestors repel people?!?

In this blog, I’ll explain what these statements mean (and why), and how you can reframe them in a way that liberates and empowers you.

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Sometimes, Human Design can feel really limiting. It’s never ever once felt limiting to me, but that’s only my perspective. We’re all entitled to our own opinions and the way that we see, share, and teach things, and I’m not one to police how anyone does any of that.

I am here to do things my own fucking way. If you’re listening, you probably really resonate with this.

Last week, I posted on my stories asking you to tell me something that you learned about your Human Design that felt limiting. Today, I’m going to explain it to you in a way that helps you understand it on a deeper level, and in a way that helps you feel liberated–not limited.

Let’s dive in!

“Projectors Have Low Energy”

This is a real blanket statement. Energy can mean so many different things.

When you look at your Human Design chart, you have nine centers, all representing different flavors of your energy and different behavior potentials. When we talk about energy, we’re usually talking about sacral energy because this is that physical life force energy. It’s that physical energy to respond to work, to create, to have sex, to just DO.

When you’re a Projector, you have an undefined sacral center. Your sacral energy is inconsistent and unreliable. This is true for all Projectors, Manifestors, and Reflectors. It’s not just Projectors.

But for Projectors, there’s this stereotype that they just want to wear their robe, lay around, and chill all day long. That’s not a bad stereotype to me.

Why don’t we have those stereotypes for Manifestors? They also have an undefined sacral center. They have inconsistent, unreliable access to that physical life force energy to do so. Why don’t we also see Manifestors as people who want to lay around in their robes? Why is it only Projectors?

Well, Manifestors have a motor center connected directly to their throat. We know that a Manifestor has consistent, reliable access to energy in some other motor center, whether it’s the solar plexus, the heart, or the root, and that’s going to the throat for communication and action.

Projectors will have consistent, reliable energy in other centers too. There are a lot of different flavors of Projectors. We’ve got the classic Projectors, energy Projectors, mental Projectors, right? We have all these different Projectors based on which of those centers are defined, and your defined centers hold your consistent, reliable access to energy.

So, you can’t just make this blanket statement that says, “Projectors have low energy,” because what does that even fucking mean?

If you want to dive deeper and have more questions about this, go ahead and message me on Instagram!

Let’s move onto the next, which is also related to this…

“Projectors Aren’t Supposed To Do Work” 

Oh my god.

Whenever I talk about Human Design, I consider how we create these rules for the material plane, when we’re really talking about energy. We’re talking about the shit that we cannot see.

When I think about work, I want to know what that means. What is work for one person, isn’t work for another person.

I was in a 1:1 session with a student who brought this limiting belief to me. She’s a Projector who designs websites. She told me when she’s tinkering around and designing websites, she loses track of time and loves it so much. It doesn’t feel like work, but she gets paid for me. 

Someone told her that Projectors aren’t supposed to work, and she began asking herself, “Well, am I spending too much time on this?”

How could you possibly spend too much time doing something you love? If it was me, and I’m sitting there busting my ass trying to design websites, it’s going to feel like work for me because that’s not my thing.

So, instead of saying Projectors, Manifestors, or Reflectors aren’t here to work, how about we say they are here to be in their genius?

Actually, we are all here to be in our zone of genius. We’re in this generation where work is not what it used to be, and you have to remember that Ra Uru Hu who transmitted this system, he did it in the 80’s. Work then was way different than work today.

Especially for anyone who found their way onto this blog: you’re similar to me. We’re out here. We’re creative. We’re making a living out of our passions. We’re making a living out of our genius.

Do you have to know what your limits are? Absolutely. Do you have to understand how your energy operates and how to be in that optimal energy and be in your genius and rest? Yes!

When you are in a flow state,

when you’re being activated

and you’re in your genius

and time is passing

even though you might be producing something that you’re going to be paid for…

To me, that’s not work.

I think we have a little room here to reframe our definition of “work.”

We can cut the shit with creating rules for people based on your Human Design. If that’s your thing, you do you, but if you’re here, that’s not my thing.

Alright, let’s move on and talk about Generators.

“Generators Have To Work Hard And Build Slow”

This brings up these same themes around what working hard means.

When you’re a Generator and you are following your full body YES and you’re honoring your NO, yeah, you might be working. You might be building something, you might be working 8-10 hours a day, but again: Does that feel like work? Is it hard work?

Probably not.

It’s probably going to feel like you are in flow.

You’re in your genius. You’re following your bliss.

First of all, I’ll repeat this again: What does working hard even mean?

Second of all, when I teach about Generators I say that you have this steady, reliable energy. You don’t have that motor to throat connection like a Manifesting Generator would. There aren’t necessarily all these quick bursts of actions or changing directions like an MG. The slow building is related to building at a steady pace. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean slow.

(Unless you’re my children… in which case, when I’m trying to get them out of the house, yeah… it’s fucking slow.)

When we’re talking about a Generator who is responding in the moment, not dragging their feet, really honoring their sacral YES and honoring their NO, when you’re trimming the fat and making sure your plate is not full of a bunch of stuff that drains your regenerative energy…

Your energy is steady.

You can go and go and go. So, as far as building slowly for a business as a Generator, the speed is all relative.

Also–and I say this all the time and will keep saying it–time is NOT linear. Time is not real. Time is a construct that we have invented to try to make sense of the world. But really, time is nonsensical.

When we say build slow, again, what does that even mean?

You may be feeling frustrated because you have some expectation about where you should be in your business and you’re not there yet. My advice would be to look around and consider the things that are a NO for you and cut that shit out. Tune into your expectations. Where are those expectations coming from? Are they rooted in your joy while you’re working? Are you rooted in your joy in your business?

I have witnessed Generators, even clients of mine, who have built their businesses and seen success faster than even I have. So again, it’s all relative.

What is speed? What is slow? What is fast?

What is work? What is not work?

You have to define these things for yourself.

Anytime someone else is going to define that for you and try to limit you, check in and ask yourself: Does this feel true for me? Does this really resonate with me?

If it doesn’t, FUCK IT!

Let it be.

Waiting as a Generator/Manifesting Generator SUCKS

Someone said that Manifesting Generators have to wait and that feels limiting. Let’s reframe this.

Waiting to respond is the strategy of the Manifesting Generator. Why is that?

The reason why this is the MG strategy is because Generators have their sacral center defined. This is reliable, consistent access to physical life force energy, which is rooted in response.

The mechanics of your aura (the electromagnetic field around you) is open and pulling. It’s magnetic. The Generator aura, and I’m not talking about your personality, is unseen. People might perceive this. That is why they will come into your field.

I’m not talking about in person. This doesn’t mean you have this big, bubbly, wide open personality, always looking to give someone a hug.

It means your electromagnetic field, especially when your aura is clear, is an open, pulling magnet. That is why your strategy is to wait to respond.

Part of your strategy is to actually fucking pay attention.

Generators and Manifesting Generators that are the most frustrated by the strategy of waiting to respond are the ones that are attached to the outcome or have tunnel vision about some outcome. They’re not paying attention to all of the things that are coming into their field, waiting for them to respond to.

Let’s say you really want to have more publicity opportunities. Like, you really want to be on more podcasts and expand your audience. Your mind may come up with a story that the best way to do that is through podcast interviews.

Then you sit there on your ass, frustrated as fuck, because someone told you that you have to wait to respond. You’re waiting for someone to respond to you wanting to be on a podcast. You’re attaching an outcome and having tunnel vision about it. When that happens, there might be so many other things coming into your field that are amazing opportunities that you can respond to, but you’re not seeing them because you’re not paying attention.

That’s why you’re frustrated by the strategy of “wait to respond.”

You’re responding all the time!

You wake up, have bad breath, you respond by brushing your teeth. You’re scrolling through Instagram, and you like the makeup someone is wearing, you respond by going to their page to find the brands.

The point is, you’re always responding. You need to pay attention and tune into your body’s response.  Your challenge is to be present and in your body. Tune into your body’s response. Your body is responding to people, places, environments, colors, sounds, tastes, and foods.

It’s responding to things all of the time.

It’s possible you might be so overwhelmed and overstimulated that you’re having trouble tuning in and responding accordingly. You have to get your head out of your ass for a little bit and pay attention to the world around you. Be in your body and be present. Respond accordingly.

Then, check in. Are you expanding? Does it feel exciting? Is it a full body YES? Are you contracting away from it? Are you dragging your feet about it? Is it a full body NO?

The more you honor those responses, following your YES, truly honoring your NO, the less frustrated you’ll be, and you’ll begin to see how quickly you’re responding when it comes to specific things.

For example, you’ll set intentions around publicity opportunities, and see what comes through. If you don’t know what’s going ot come through, it’s going to surprise you.

That’s the magic of it. 

Okay, let’s move onto the last one–Drop a comment on this blogpost if you want a part 2!

Manifestors Repel People

I really can’t stand the language of the repelling aura.

I think when you’re new to Human Design and you learn that you’re a Manifestor, you also learn that your aura is repelling and that SUCKS. No one wants to read or hear that, and that can immediately turn you off from the system and learning more.

(Yes, it’s true, this system isn’t for everyone. Some people meet it and it’s just not for them. Personally, I believe timing is everything.)

The limiting language of the repelling aura can come across as intentionally turning people off. So, I’m going to explain why that word is used and how you can reframe it.

The Manifestor aura is repelling because we’re here to have visions that seemingly come from nowhere. Maybe it’s a soul calling, or from the cosmos, but these visions are from something unseen.

Manifestors are not responding to something external to themself. They are having these unpredictable visions, followed by a corresponding urge or surge of energy to initiate that vision or manifest it on the material plane.

These visions can seem really out there and not even make sense to the Manifestor who has the vision. You probably already know this, but I am a Manifestor, and I can tell you this first hand. Some of these visions do NOT make sense.

Some of these visions seem so far into the future, that you couldn’t possibly take action on them yet. You may not be able to initiate it now. And yet, there it is. So, it kind of makes sense that a Manifestor would have a dense aura.

That’s the language I prefer to use.

The Manifestor aura is dense and pushing. As a Manifestor, you don’t want just anything to be able to come through and influence those visions. Your dense and protected aura is protecting your vision, protecting you from people and forces that could otherwise influence those visions.

It is possible that your aura may repel people. But, it repels the people that aren’t meant for you. It’s truly a gift.

Imagine if anyone could come through and you had to respond to them… that would be fucking exhausting because you don’t have the energy to respond. You don’t have the energy to sit there and be like YES, NO, YES, NO, YES No…. all day long, because you don’t have consistent, reliable sacral energy.

Instead, the only people that are going to get through are the people that you want to get through. They’re the people that deeply resonate with YOU.

Once you’re truly through that aura, you’re in.

When I think of my business and the people in my community, especially the ones that have entered into relationships with me in a group or private capacity, they stay. Even if we don’t work together constantly, we stay in touch for years. They are my people.

Your aura as a Manifestor is a gift and it’s time that you see it as such.

It’s time you stop resenting it.

And the fact that if you want something, you need to initiate it… that’s going to be a whole other blogpost.


Just know that whether it’s Human Design, Astrology, some book you read, a cool speech you heard, an influencers words on Instagram, or even your fucking mom…

Anyone who tells you something about you that feels limiting or doesn’t resonate?


Just let it go. Let it go.

The way I teach and share about Human Design will always be through the lens of wanting you to feel seen, validated, whole, liberated, and empowered to be 100% of you. All of you.

If I ever say anything that does feel limiting, slide into my DMs and tell me about it. We can reframe it, together.

Don’t let anyone make you feel limited.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like what’s right for you, isn’t. If it feels right, trust it. Trust yourself about anybody else.

Sending you lots of love and have the best day ever being 1000% you, unapologetically.