Struggling To Sign Clients? Try This!


I’d take my family on a pretty sweet vacation if I had a dollar for every time one of my clients or someone in my community told me they’re “struggling to get clients.”

Just thinking about this created this urge in me to write and entire outline for this training, that we’re now repurposing into this blogpost. If you prefer to listen and/or watch, you can do that here on IGTV or on the podcast:

There’s a big difference between focusing on more vs. focusing on the here and now.

When we focus on more more more, what signal are we sending to the Universe?

When we focus on the here and now, and how we can truly be READY for the clients that we’re struggling to sign–on both a practical and emotional level–magic happens!

This is a pretty meaty training, so make sure you have the time to sit and dive into what you’re about to read and please leave a comment about your biggest takeaway AND how you’ll be taking ACTION in order to implement this into your business ASAP.

Getting Ready For More Clients

There’s a lot of things that I’ve noticed from both firsthand experience and secondhand experience with  my clients and community. When we focus so much on acquiring clients, sometimes we forget about a lot of the really important things behind the scenes for running our business.

One of the best things that we can do, instead of focusing on getting more clients, is to focus on getting ready for those potential clients (and serving the one’s we have now).

Are you truly ready for the clients you’re calling in?

If tomorrow, your soulmate clients came knocking on your door or blowing up your DMs ready to sign with you, are you truly ready?

Getting ready for those clients is not just regulating your nervous system, expanding your capacity to receive, or balancing the masculine and feminine energy within you. There’s all this talk online mixing business and spirituality that focus on the emotional and energetic side of building, growing, and scaling a business.

Of course, as a Human Design Practitioner, I think that this is great because it is important. However, I think when we focus on some of the more practical or strategic sides of business, a lot of those issues or blocks that we think we have energetically or emotionally are eradicated.

In the process of getting ready for our soulmate clients on a practical level, energetically and emotionally we’re getting ready too. Without really having to try so hard.

Embodying The Version Of You Who Has Soulmate Clients – What you need on a practical level

There’s a lot of talk about embodying the version of you who already has these clients. Like, okay, how does she talk? How does she walk? What does she wear? What does she do everyday?

But, this also needs to happen at a practical level. Like, what systems are in place to support these clients in achieving the results and the transformation that they want? Even before they sign, are you clear on how you’re going to support them? Are you clear on their journey? Are you prepared?

On a practical level, you need to consider your client journey.

First of all, where are your clients finding you? There’s so much noise about marketing and you have to be here, you gotta be there, you gotta be doing this…but really, you have to find a platform that feels really fun for you. It has to feel really good for you to want to be on. Like, even though reels can be very effective for growing an audience and connecting with your community to attract those clients, if you hate doing it, it might not be as effective for you!

The important thing is finding the platform that works for you because that’s where your clients are going to find you.

Then, truly consider what you want their experience to be.

Are you clear on what your message is? Are you clear on what your WHY is? Are you clear on your vision? Are you clear on your offers? Do you even know what you’re offering them?

This may sound like it’s too simple, but I find that a lot of us, especially in the beginning stages of our business, focus on the skills we have to help people and less on the structures that support us bringing those skills to our clients.

You start throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, because you see all these other coaches in the space seeing success just by “being themselves.” But, they’re seeing success because on the practical level, they’re prepared to serve their community and their clients in a way that gets them the results that they want.

So first things first: where are your clients finding you? What is their experience? And then, what is the path they will take?

For instance, if you’re trying to sign one-to-one clients, what is the path that they need to take from the moment they meet you to the point where they’re ready to work with you? Whether it be on Instagram or your podcast, or in a training you did for someone else’s program, what happens when they take that journey towards investing in your services? What are the stops along the way and what is the feeling they’re experiencing when they finally say YES?

Human Design can help you find your message and your purpose in your business. You’re not necessarily changing things once, but it’s putting a language to what you’re experiencing and what you’re offering. It gives you this awareness that allows you have a lot more intention, right?

It’s important to consider your client journey and experience with how they interact with your brand and business. Before they even become your client, it’s good to have the awareness around what you want their experience to be, intentionally.

Are you clear on and do you understand the steps that they need to take along the way before they invest with you? Human Design can be a wonderful tool to help you, but even if you’re not using it, it’s good to consider their experience. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to build out a complicated strategy or funnel. It could, if that turns you on, but it can also be a path that is completely unique to you. It’s good for them to know the process that they’ll take with you before they invest in a one-on-one offer or a group program.

You need to understand where they are and where they need to go.

Building and Improving Your Skills

With your ideal client journey in mind, you may also need to learn new skills or improve your skills.

For example, I find that it isn’t difficult to grow my community. For instance, we get tons of engagement on our social media comments and have had several viral posts with tons of comments because I use Instagram a lot. Even email marketing is great for my business. People email me back all the time and my open rate is way higher than the industry standard.

All of this is great. However, when it comes to sales, I’ve realized that it’s not growing much when it comes to my programs or one-on-one clients. What’s missing here is for me to be really honest with myself that YES, I am great at what I do, but I don’t really have the sales training. Perhaps that’s something I need to work on, and it’s a skill that I can begin to hone intentionally.

For example, if you’re a Reiki practitioner, you’re probably exceptional at what you do. You have loyal clients who have amazing results and experiences. But, now you’re going into the online business world to build a beautiful business that’s profitable and supports your lifestyle. 

Not only do you need to be great at Reiki to build your desired business, but you also need to be able to communicate what you do, and that requires skills that you may have to learn.

So identify where you may need to learn new skills or hone your skills in order to take your people, from the time that they meet you to the time that they invest, on an ideal client journey.

Do you need to learn a bit more about copywriting because you’re having trouble communicating clearly how you can help your potential clients? Do you need to learn sales? Are you clueless as to where you even want to market yourself?

Obviously, if you don’t know how to do these things, you’re not going to feel as confident when you show up. When you start to build those skills and improve them, you’ll start to show up more confidently in your business, both energetically and emotionally. And people will feel that confidence too.

"It would be lovely to be a natural at all of the things required to build and grow your business, but that's not the reality for more people." -Krystal Woods

It would be lovely to be a natural at all of the things required to build and grow your business, but that’s not the reality for most people.

If you’re not getting the sales, it doesn’t mean that you’re not great at what you do. It doesn’t mean that people who you work with don’t have an amazing experience. Maybe, it means that you can learn how to market yourself to grow, or that you need to learn how to communicate better.

"You don't need to be healed to run a successful business." -Krystal Woods

In the online business world, there’s a lot of messaging around this idea of being yourself, regulating your nervous system to manifest your dreams, and healing your wounds by facing your fears and blocks… then, you’ll grow your business.

But, there are plenty of people in the world who have very profitable businesses who are completely dysregulated.

So, you don’t need to wait until you’re healed to have a successful business.

You can do the healing work and also get honest about the skills that you require to get there.

Business Structuring

Take a deep breath and imagine that tomorrow you wake up and 10 people from your community are ready to sign on to work with you for a one-to-one offer or group program…

Are you ready?

Do you have the systems in place to handle those 10 people? Do you have contracts ready to send? Do you use a system for invoicing? Are you clear on what that investment is? Are you clear on the structure of what you offer? Are you clear on what your clients will walk away with when they’re finished their work with you? Do you know when you’re meeting them? Do you know how they’re getting in touch with you in between?

Do you know all of these things? Or, will you be scrambling to figure it out as you go along?

Whatever the experience is that you want your clients to have when they’re working with you should be in place now. If they’re not, you can find 10 people who want to work with you, and you may not be ready for them. You’re going to feel really overwhelmed without your structure in place, and that’s going to translate into how they feel showing up to work with you as well.

It’s possible that subconsciously, you’re not calling those clients in because you know that you’re not actually ready. 

While it’s fun to learn all about how to clear your block so you can acquire more clients, it’s also necessary, and not very sexy, to know the structure and systems you know you need in place to call in your soulmate clients. 

Just the other day I was talking to one of my clients and we were discussing all the work we had done together. I got to know her goals and vision, and I asked her: Are you ready for those goals to be achieved tomorrow? Would you be ready?

And she said, “No.”

So for months, we did the work to get her ready and laughed about it because it really isn’t sexy to dive into those parts of your business. 

You know, the automatic emails, email templates so you can quickly personalize and fire off messages, welcome packets to thank your client for investing, next steps to take together, etc.

Getting all of this ready prepares you on a practical level for all the soulmate clients that you’re calling in. You’ll be so much more confident in your ability to deliver.

Client Experience

You’ll also want to consider the experience you want them to have inside the container of working with you and your business as well.

My Community Concierge, Caitlin and I, did one fun thing recently where we ran our connect chart in Human Design and Astrology. We looked at our combined energy and it was really illuminating. There was so much Cancer energy, which makes sense for me as a Cancer rising. It makes sense because I want people to feel held and nurtured when they work with me.

I know that they’re going to experience a lot of change and potential upheaval, and I want them to feel safely supported through all of their growth. I want them to feel really held in that and knowing that allows me to intentionally curate an experience for them to show up intentionally.

I’m a Manifestor, so I’m initiating you, so you feel held in that process. You’re not on your own.

Getting clear on that transformation that you want to take your clients through is really the offer and experience that you want them to have.

Let me paint a picture for you. I have invested thousands of dollars in all of my investments that I have made, and I have loved them with no regrets.

I will say though that I have invested in some coaching programs, where the experience didn’t match what the investment was. I don’t regret those investments because on one hand, I got a lot out of the experience. But, it did teach me that I want to do things intentionally and differently for my business. 

So, you know, it’s really important to make sure you’re giving people a really high caliber experience. It’s important. They’re investing money with you, and they’re also investing their emotional energy into this relationship with you and your business as well. We want to make sure that we’re giving them the best experience that we can offer.

Back to the Reiki example. Say someone signs on to do eight sessions with you. What is that transformation going to look and feel like for them? Where are they when they start? Where are they at vs. where will they be when they complete their work with you?

I can’t answer these questions for you, but that’s something to really consider, so that you can curate the ideal customer journey and experience that’s in alignment for you.

It’s very intentional, and you need to ensure you have the systems set up for that.

One thing I did in my business this year was hire an assistant, Maclovia. She’s amazing. She specializes in Strategy and Operations.

I realized I was wasting so much time going back and forth with clients, making sure I sent gifts on time, or having to do little things that could have been optimized. This zapped my energy and was making me hit capacity even though I knew I could handle taking on more clients if these things weren’t always on my mind.

So in theory, I wanted more clients on a practical level. But, I wasn’t sure if I had the energy or time for it. I hired her and we spent some time considering the experience that we want my client’s to have, then set up automation systems in HoneyBook, which is the client software that I use and recommend. 

In HoneyBook, a lot of my systems are automated like when my clients pay, their welcome package, booking sessions, and reminders for me to send welcome gifts! Everything’s all set, so I’m not speaking to my client’s for things that don’t actually require my time and energy in the moment. This gives me more free time so that I can take on another client, do more for my current client’s, and have more energy for my children and family. 

I’m a 1/3 profile in Human Design, so I’m really here to help you set the foundation for your business and that’s what I love doing. That’s why I find it so important to share with you about how you can set up structures in your business to support your soulmate clients that you want to call in.

"A lot of the ways that you think you're not ready emotionally or energetically, will be eradicated when you build a strong foundation for your business." - Krystal Woods

A lot of the blocks that you think you have, or a lot of the ways that you think you’re not ready emotionally or energetically, will be eradicated when you build a strong foundation for your business.

With every structure set up in my business, I feel very confident if 10 people want to book sessions with me right now. All I’d have to say is, “Okay, here’s the link to book.. It’s all there for you.” When you have this foundation set, you don’t have to worry about any of the process except letting people know that they can book.

Emotional and Energetic Blocks

When it comes to setting your structure up, there may be some moment where emotionally or energetically, you feel a block. Really, this is just tension or resistance coming up in your body. You may feel like rebelling a bit, and trying to find a way to build your business up without the not-sexy stuff. So, I think this is where a lot of the work comes in.

You know, you may have to work at regulating your nervous system and feeling more into the space of someone who has the clients they want. Notice any part of the process where you have resistance or a reaction to, because that’s going to be the work. That’s where it’ll be important to tap, journal, meditate, and breathe through the difficult parts of setting up these processes.

When I first hired Maclovia to help me set these systems up, I actually felt a lot of resistance.

I felt extremely uncomfortable in this process. I didn’t want to pause.  I was focused on more, more, more, because that’s what I was used to. The fact that I didn’t have enough and I wanted more (hello undefined sacral and root).

So, for me, it was actually a little bit overwhelming to pause and slow down. To stabilize where we were at and set up those systems and automations for where we’re going in Krystal Woods LLC. I knew that’s where my work, emotionally and energetically, was coming up. 

I always feel a pressure to do work, even when I don’t have to. With things automated, I had more time to lounge and read, but a lot of this year has been really learning how to rest without guilt.

I’ve been establishing a relationship with pleasure and fun, and really getting honest with myself about the life that I want to build, and how my business can support that. Since I started, it was the other way around: How can my life work around my business?

That’s a lot of emotional and energetic work, and I didn’t know what needed to be done until I started setting up these systems and processes. Setting up on the practical level for the business I desire has been divine work.

So, instead of going straight to that emotional and energetic work, take some fucking action. You may know exactly what you need to work on, but you also need to take steps to build your foundation. Without taking action on, you’re not going to actually know what you need to work on.

Take a real honest look at where you’re at right now and stablize your business today. Set up the systems and strategies and skills you need to learn for your business to thrive and grow.

If you focus on that now, it’s basically saying: Look at what I have here. Let me nurture this.

And in that process of nurturing, the more, more, more, that you’re seeking will become a natural byproduct. 

Imposter Syndrome 

A big hot topic is imposter syndrome. Sometimes it is exactly that, but other times you may be lacking the skills or the knowledge that you need.

Instead of focusing only on acquiring clients, you can focus on the actual experience and transformation that you’re providing for them after they sign. Naturally, you will become more confident in your ability to help them through that transformation. The more confident you are, the easier it will be for your clients to connect with you and invest in your business because they can feel your bursting energy. 

And really, that’s where my work comes in. We need to be able to meet the client where they are and I want to work with clients who need the emotional, energetic, and practical shifts in their business. This is where I want to initiate you in building your business. 

Human Design is a big part of how I help people find their path. When you’re able to do that for yourself and your clients, you can really see them and value their unique experience. You can validate them in a way that works for them as an individual. And, you’re able to help them achieve a much more powerful transformation, because it’s divinely guided for them.

When they experience that extremely powerful transformation, and when they feel seen and validated, and know that the way you’re coaching them is specific to them, they’re going to have a really badass fucking experience with you. It’s going to feel so good.

They’ll be so happy that they invested in you, and you’re going to feel confident because you’re going to get great feedback. They’ll tell their friends and we are all going to sense that you’re so confident in your abilities to deliver that. We’ll want more and more.

"Instead of focusing on more clients, focus on right here, right now. Are you fucking ready for them?" - Krystal Woods

Feeling Free, Empowered, and Confident

I want you to build a business where you’re free, empowered, and confident in expressing exactly who you are and the way that you’re different. And I want your clients to experience the most powerful transformation that they possibly can.

If this sounds like something you need, join us for the next round of the Embodied By Design™ Practitioner Certification.

This is a four month program that’s not a reader training. I actually don’t care about teaching you how to read charts. I care about you actually embodying your own energy in an authentic and powerful way and build your business from that strong foundation, knowing who you are and provide powerful transformations for your clients.

So, if this is something that would really serve you to learn in community, to have a very high touch, intimate and immersive experience, as you learn Human Design, this may be just the thing for you.

Human Design is a very robust and layered system to learn and embody, and you really are focused on the embodiment part of it instead of learning information to regurgitate to your clients. I want you to be able to interpret the information in a way that works uniquely for you. 

I hope this blog was helpful for you to really feel anchored, solid, and grounded in your ability to serve your clients and be ready for all the new clients you desire on both a practical, emotional, and energetic level.

Leave a comment letting me know your biggest takeaway, because as a Manifestor, I love to know my impact.

I hope you have a beautiful week and I love you😘😘