Navigating Parenting Disagreements with Your Partner


Have you ever had disagreement with your partner on how to parent? Did you two think you would be the perfect parents… until your children came along?  😁

I mean, we all thought we would be great parents! But then, you have kids, and suddenly you’re navigating so many important choices about their lives that it can become problematic agreeing on those choices with another person.

Real talk: No matter how much you love your partner, you’re not always going to agree with them.

I know that when you start a family it may feel like everything is problematic and ever since I started using Human Design to find meaning in the chaos, things feel much more… aligned.

In this episode, I dive into some of the core issues that can sometimes cause disagreements in parenting with a partner and how you can navigate them more harmoniously. Press play to hear real life examples of how Human Design can help you communicate more effectively in your relationship, including how I’ve dealt with personal parenting disagreements with my partner.

Even through all the emotions and anger, I always know I am RIGHT (ALL THE TIME! Are you the same way? Ha.).

Hit that play button to listen now!

While you’re listening, head over to my Instagram feed and leave a comment with a real life example of how you and your partner have navigated an issue in your parenting journey. Let’s all learn from each other & discuss!